CallScope is our standard call logging, billing and analysis system for the hospitality industry. VoiceScope extends the CallScope system, bringing voicemail and enhanced wakeup facilities to your site.
Revenue Generation is the primary goal of a hotel call logger, and this is achieved by a combination of features that allow you to create income through billing, save on administration costs with call management, and manage profit by thorough monitoring.
CallScope provides an interface between your PABX and PMS and manages the transfer of data. CallScope is the interfacing hub for hotel telecommunications and guest information. CallScope can also monitor the interfaces for failure and alert users. CallScope also manages guest and room information and communicates with the PABX in the event of a PMS failure, and can be used to provide guest billing functions until the PMS is back online.
CallScope consists of a suite of modules that are centred on the effective call management for the hospitality industry.
To see the CallScope feature list click here