• Score:
  • 0
  • /
  • 0
  • Total:
  • 0
a k g
s z t d
n h b p
m y r w

How it works

A sequence of kana characters are presented. As each one appears, enter the English representation of the character and press the Enter key.

After each attempt the result will be indicated as a success or fail by a change of colour of the background.


The score box shows the details:

  • The character just attempted
  • The score so far: successes/attempts
  • The total number of kana in the test set - determined by the checkbox settings.

Kana Selection

Select Hiragana or Katakana

Character Checkboxes

Each checkbox represents a column of the kana table, as typically presented in kana charts.

Leave all checkboxes clear (or set them all) to have all kana characters take part in a test sequence. Or, select the subset of kana characters you want to test.


  • All - Sets all checkboxes (then clear a few you don't want checked)
  • Clear - Clears all checkboxes (then set a few you do want checked)
  • Test Failed - Loads the test set with the recently failed tests - you need to practice these

The result is the same, since if all checkboxes are unchecked the app defaults to using all categories.

Test History

Below the checkbox area is a display of the history of characters in a particular test set so far. Setting a checkbox or changing the kana clears the history.